About Us
About Us

Performance Highlights
Over 800 Consultancy Projects Successfully Completed and under Implementation.
Over 69,000 km of Road Feasibility and Detailed Engineering Design.
Nearly 28,000 km of Road Construction Supervision and Project Management including over 5000 km of Independent Engineer / Lender's Engineer Project
Design of nearly 5,500 Bridges
Construction Supervision of nearly 3,200 Bridges
Over 60 Airport Projects involving Planning, Design & Supervision and Project Management.
Nearly 55 Projects of Railways and Metro Rails.
Transaction & Financial Advisory for Projects of Capital Value over USD 7 billion.
Over 200 assignments of Road Safety Audits / Black Spot Improvement / Awareness Campaigns.
Master Plan / City Development Plans / Smart City / Project Implementation for more than 80 Cities / Towns.
EIA / SIA for over 650 Projects.
Water Supply Schemes for over 500 Towns and Villages.
Irrigation Planning & Design of over 8,00,000 ha. Gross Command Area.
The Corporate office of the Company is located at New Delhi, India and it has a number of branches and project offices in India and abroad.
ICT has successfully undertaken several prestigious consultancy assignments, under International Competitive Bidding in over 50 countries across the globe. ICT is one of the top consulting firm from India involved in Consulting Services Contracts under ADB Loan, Grant, and Technical Assistance Projects from 1 January 2018–31 December 2022. [Ref : Asian Development Bank Member Fact Sheet - India, November 2023]